Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Hair

Chris Rock was on the Oprah Show promoting his new documentary "Good Hair" and to RCJ and Chris Rock's surprise Oprah GOT GOOD HAIR! Yes ladies its real. Our girl, Oprah, flipped it, shook it and ran her fingers through it!

Beyonce's lil sis showed up with her most recent hair do or rather don't. She claims she cut all her hair off on purpose, but girls like her don't do probably fell out! Relax we're just joking! She did it for attention! Come on she's beyonce younger, not as cute and less talented sister. Can you blame her? Tell us what you think?

Check out the trailer for "Good Hair"


  1. I cant wait to see it!!! Especially since I'm about to get me a big fat weave!!

  2. Im excited for you to see it! And I cant wait to see if you have the same issue with it as i did ;)
