Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whoopi Goldberg flips over Suzanne Sommers Swayze Comments

Time's 100 Most Influential People In The World
Today on the view, the Whoopster went off on Sommers for her tasteless comments about her friend Patrick Swayze, claiming what killed the actor was the chemo not the cancer. “They took this beautiful man and they basically put poison in him,”
Somers reportedly told Toronto National Post columnist Shinan Govani.“Why couldn't they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins in his body?”

Whoopi was outraged by the Botox filled Somers comments and proceeded to ripped her a new one, “In case she doesn’t know, Patrick did everything and went everywhere to try and stay healthy as long as he could,” The view co-host said of her friend. She went on to say, “That he’s been gone a week and this statement came out is bad timing and bad taste and Suzanne, you know better,” Goldberg continued.

Suzanne apologized on her blog and made it very clear she was not informed or aware she was being interviewed. “I would never have been so insensitive as to offer a public statement so close to his untimely passing. I sincerely apologize if my comment has caused any additional pain to his family during this difficult time. I send my deepest condolences for their loss”

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