Monday, September 21, 2009

Jersey Housewife Danielle Staub Insulted By Jennifer Annistons Comments

Jennifer Aniston apparently thinks New Jersey stinks...literally! The starlet appeared on Chelsea Lately last week to promote her movie The Bounty and she made some not so nice comments about New Jersey. “What is that smell?” asked Anniston, who spent a few weeks in NJ this past summer filming her new movie. She went on to say "You know when you drive from Manhattan, and there's that one area?" Yes girl we know the smell!

Well, when NJ Housewife, Danielle Staub got word of the diss she fired back! "Why don't you see more of New Jersey before you say it smells?" Danielle, why would she want to do that???? The Mafia wife went on to say, "I would love to hang out with her. I hear she is really fabulous -- but she really shouldn't say that.” RCJ is siding with Anniston on this one. Jersey smells like a sack of rotten potatoes mixed with a little toe jam!

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