Monday, August 24, 2009

Bungalow 8 is going Reality TV

Amy Sacco, the owner of the infamous club, Bungalow 8, will be next to star in her very own reality show on Bravo. The show will follow Amy while she prepares to open up a branch in Amsterdam. For those of you who don’t know about Bungalow 8, it’s basically one of the hottest, swankiest, most exclusive clubs in NYC. It’s where the “A-listers” go to party, i.e. drinking to the point of oblivion with a side of nose candy. This is a great place to go if you need to feel important. But don’t bother. If you’re not a celebrity, or a personal friend of the owner, the bouncers will never let you in. Just stick to watching the show- it’s the closest you’ll get to feeling important

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