Monday, October 12, 2009

Real Housewives of DC Cast Info

Chocolate City (DC) is the next location for the Housewives, except there’s not much chocolate running through any of the cast members, more like vanilla…interesting. According to, Bravo approached several affluent Black women to join the show, but they were NOT feeling it! We all Know the neck poppin, eye rollin attitudes of the Atlanta Housewives is what brings in ratings, but what Bravo doesn’t know is that the Black Bourgeoisie don’t play that!

Emily Miller, who is a public affairs consultant in Washington, DC and has over 15 years experience in politics and media wrote an article about the new Housewives. Check out some of the scuttlebutt from her article.

Lisa Spies: Spies is half of a powerful Republican fundraising couple. Her husband, Charlie Spies, ran Mitt Romney's presidential campaign finances. Lisa Spies is the chief fundraiser for Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.). One Republican says of her: "Bravo to Bravo for landing one woman who is the real deal in D.C. politics. Lisa has the connections to get the show cameos with top politicians."

Mary Amons: Amons, who lives in McLean, Va., is called by one (unnamed) socialite a "better fit for 'Real Housewives of Orange County' than D.C." Amons, a mother of five, is criticized by the socialite for "having nothing to do with Washington" and for being "not politically connected or even socially connected."

Lynda Erkiletian: As president of a Washington modeling agency, Erkiletian "has the social cache and real job to be a fun cast member" says one woman who knows her, although not for attribution. "She isn't political, but she will have the access to photo shoots and celebrities to give the show some star power."

Michaele Salahi: Michaele and her husband, Tareq, own a winery in Fauquier County, Virginia, and are owners of America's Cup Polo Match. At the recent Polo D.C. Fall Classic, the blog FishbowlDC posted pictures of Salai being followed around by Bravo cameras. Her casting is also controversial because, as one real D.C. housewife says, "What does polo have to do with D.C.?"

Edwina Rogers: Also seen followed by cameras at the polo match, Rogers is the wife of longtime Republican lobbyist Ed Rogers. They live in a mansion in McLean, which they call "Surry Hill." Reportedly, Rogers told Bravo that she is dropping out of the show. One Republican woman told me, "Edwina finally realized that she and Ed were being mocked on the show, and it wasn't worth risking his firm's clients."

Sissy Yates: Elizabeth Wentworth Yates is a jewelry designer and is also socially prominent in D.C. She is the sister of Ali Wentworth, who has her own show, "Head Case," is a regular on Oprah, and is married to ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos. Sissy also reportedly wanted to do the show and talked to producers over the summer, but more recently pulled her name from the casting list.

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