Friday, August 28, 2009

DJ AM Dies Of A Possible Drug Overdose at 36 Years Old

This is a sad day for the music industry. One of the most well respected DJ's has passed away. I do not typically blog about real celebs, but I was so moved by this recent event I just felt I needed to say something. DJ AM was so young and to have cheated death not that long ago just saddens me.. Guys, we have only one life to live, please live it like its your last. Everyday is a blessing. Treat people kindly everyday. If you love someone tell them. If you don't, make sure they know its not personal. Never push people away that love you, because you never know if they'll be here tomorrow. Cherish everyday and keep love in your heart. Be sympathetic when dealing with sensitive people, be empathetic, be selfless, and be unselfish.


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