Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Hair

Chris Rock was on the Oprah Show promoting his new documentary "Good Hair" and to RCJ and Chris Rock's surprise Oprah GOT GOOD HAIR! Yes ladies its real. Our girl, Oprah, flipped it, shook it and ran her fingers through it!

Beyonce's lil sis showed up with her most recent hair do or rather don't. She claims she cut all her hair off on purpose, but girls like her don't do probably fell out! Relax we're just joking! She did it for attention! Come on she's beyonce younger, not as cute and less talented sister. Can you blame her? Tell us what you think?

Check out the trailer for "Good Hair"

Justin Timberlake & Rhianna A Couple?

Has Justin gone black girl crazy and Rhianna white boy hazy?? Rumor has it they're a couple! When RCJ can confirm this, we'll let you know.

Glitzs "N" Bits From The NY Post

Tori Spelling was rushed to the hospital for stomach pains…..hmmmm…..maybe if she ate more than a cracker she wouldn’t have this problem.

Pdiddy is leaving Warner Music Group and taking his Bad Boy label to Interscope. Apparently, some of his artist will stay with Warner, which mean ANOTHER REALITY SHOW for Diddy…surprise surprise! The poor guy has to find talent one way or another and what better way to keep him in the fame game! Oh Diddy what a pity!

Well the couple made the cover of OK Magazine and reportedly made $250K for it. Can someone tell us why celebrities charge money for wedding pictures?

Here’s a little tinseltown scuttlebutt for you:

1. Stepdad, Bruce Jenner wasn’t happy about them getting married
2. Attention whore, Kimmie doesn’t understand why people don’t believe the wedding is real
3. Lamar Odom’s kids were NOT at the wedding and neither was stepbrother, Brody Jenner
4. Fans can see the wedding ceremony on “Keeping up with the Kardashians” Nov. 8th on E!
5. The day after the wedding Kim announced she’s back together with Reggie Bush…..interesting

RCJ wishes the couple all the best, but we’re still not convinced.

Kristen Cavallari Is The Queen of The Hills

Kristen Cavallari Hosts UNITE Unveiled: Gen Art’s Fresh Faces In Fashion
One thing we love about Kristen, she just doesn’t give a F*ck! The Hills reality star’s ability to dis you, your Mother and your old Grandma all while giving you the finger and a smile really amazes us. RCJ especially loves when lil’ miss ding-a-ling, Audrina is the topic of conversation. Kristen laughed off rumors of Audrey making more money than her, she won’t comment on her plastic surgery, which by the way was a dis, and when asked if she would see Audrey’s horror films, she simply said “probably not”. Love her or hate her the biznotch is consistent!

Justin Timberlake Breaks It Off With Jessica Biel

RCJ is pleased to see Justin finally broke it off with Jessica. Come on guys you know he was on the rebound from his split with the sexy and noncommittal starlet, Cameron Diaz. A source told US Magazine Justin broke it off over the PHONE! WOW! And poor Jess is in major denial……Pull it together Jess!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pictures Of Khloe & Lamar On Their Wedding Day

Well guys it's true! Young Khloe and her $33 Million man, Lamar are Married. Check out a few pics from X17 Online.

Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom's Wedding Invitations

Okay, so here's some proof the two really got married. Its still hard for me to believe so i'll just say this "I'll believes it when I sees it"


It's official!! Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are Married!!! RCJ wishes the happy, barely know each other couple all the best!!! Pics of the Bride and Groom are on there way..... But first take a look at these

Kim Kardashian in purple at her sister's wedding in Beverly Hills

and some guest...

Ryan Seacrest
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom's star-studded wedding

Kobe Bryant & Wife
Kobe Bryant and wife Vanessa Laine give a quick wave before heading into Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom's wedding

Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne leaves home and heads for Khloe Kardashian's wedding wearing a tight black and white dress

Brittney Gastineau & Lala Vasquez
Brittny Gastineau, who arrived in her bright pink Range Rover, walks into Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom's wedding

Joe Francis
Joe Francis arrives at the wedding of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom

Interesting News In Page 6 Today

Apparently Russell Simmons Hosted the HNIC, Louis Farrakhan of The Nation of Islam and his whole posse at his downtown, Ground Zero loft this weekend. Hmmmm.....interesting....we wonder how Farrakhan feels about Russell Simmons white girl lovin self? We’re just keeping it real!

Khloe and Kim Kardashian Tweet And Twitter About Todays Wedding

Kim Kardashian hosts the Three-O Vodka's New Bubble Flavor Launch Party, NYC
The Kardashian girls are tweeting it up today about the wedding, except we don't see any tweets and twitters from Kourtney......Hmmmm, I wonder if that because she has more important things to think walking down the isle maybe. I guess we'll all find out soon enough.

Khloe- "@kimkardashian All of the girls glamming up 4 the wedding together! What an exciting day!!!"
about 1 hour ago from TweetGenius

Kim- "All of the girls glamming up 4 the wedding together! What an exciting day!!!"

Khloe Kardashians Ring

So today is the day. Young Khloe is supposedly getting hitch to Lakers Lamar Odom. We still think it's just a cover up for the her older sister, Kourtney's wedding. Either way we wish them lots of luck and a marriage that last more than a year ;)
Khloe Kardashian shows off her massive engagement ring at the Lobster restaurant in Santa Monica

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mya's Brother Has a Big One

Is that not the most offensive snout you’ve ever seen? OMG!!! We can't tell if the sunglasses are making it better or worse. That nose is much too much...

Mashonda vs. Alicia Keys

Music Producer, Swizz Beatz's wife Mashonda wants Alicia to woman up and talk it out. For those of you who don’t know, Ms. Keys is a husband stealer!! shocked?!?! We were too. Who would’ve thought? The soon to be divorcee figured if Keys won’t talk she’ll tweet. Check out what Mashonda tweeted on twitter. Its long, but JUICY!

After having a great evening with my son and enjoying some fun twit chat, I decided to sign off and get some work done. However, a few hours later I was advised that I should check @aliciakeys twit page. I’ve never reached out to her on twitter before. I feel our issues are a lot more serious than a website conversation. Not to mention that I’ve reached out to her many times in the beginning of this whole thing, as any wife would do. Unfortunately, I never succeeded in getting a response. The 1st time I meet AK, my husband introduced us to each other at an event. ( I have no choice but to call him my husband, until he is not anymore) In the messages that I sent to her (AK), I made it very clear that on the contrary of what she might be hearing, I am still married to my husband, living with him and just had a child. Its been two years and I still have not received a response. What I do receive, is constant displays of selfishness and disconcern to me and my son.

I was a fan of AK’s last album, we were both signed to J Records and I always checked up on her projects. I sang her songs and admired her for creating Superwoman and Karma, I would never deny her, her talent. I believed in her until I found out she was possibly sleeping with my husband. The affair was denied by both, until it was finally admitted months later.

Already I can hear some of you saying ” why are u blaming her, You cant make someone leave their wife, You cant break something thats broken”. Well, my marriage was not broken, as far as I knew we were celebrating our sons birth and getting ready to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary . Call it blind love, whatever. I call it being a devoted wife.. As far as me blaming her and not blaming him, thats false. Me and my husband have worked out our differences. We are in a good place as people and as parents. I accept his choices and I am comfortable enough with myself to move on. I am so very blessed in many ways.

My concern with AK is no longer the fact that she assisted in destroying a family but that she has the audacity to make these selfish comments about love and wanting to be with someone, even after knowing their situation. How is this the same Superwoman that I sang out loud with in my truck? I ask myself sometimes.

If you are reading this Alicia, let me start by saying, you know what you did. You know the role you played and you know how you contributed to the ending of my marriage. You know that I asked you to step back and let me handle my family issues. Issues that you helped to create.
Im not saying everything was perfect all the time but no relationship is perfect. We made a vow to God and I believe you should have respected that, as a woman. I know you owe me or my son nothing but I just wish you would’ve handled things more carefully. I’m not judging you, I put you and the whole situation in the hands of God, the Higher Power. Just know that as a woman, I expected so much more from you. I never had intentions on reaching out to you this way but after reading your twits tonight, and the constant disregard, you left me no choice. I feel that after 1 and a half years of you hiding this affair and acting like it doesnt exist, that now is the time to confront it, since you talk so openly about it now

This is not a publicity stunt, I dont have a record coming out. I just need to close this chapter in my life and that means confronting our issues. There is a small child involved. His dad loves him to death and he wants to spend more time with him but hes afraid because he knows we don’t have a relationship. This is my main concern. My son NEEDS his dad and I NEED to be comfortable with you. For him!

I know many will see my point and many will not be able to look into what’s real because they only want to see Alicia Keys the celebrity, not the human. This is not for the “people”, this is for you. Like I said I was left no choice but to reach out to you this way. By now, Im sure you want to find a balance in this as well.

I read your tweets tonight and I felt they were very insensitive. You have no idea how much pain I was caused because of this affair. Its baffling to me that you don’t understand what I might have gone through with this situation. I dont consider myself a victim anymore, Ive learned alot from this! I just ask you to try and be a bit more realistic and delicate to the situation, at least until my divorce is final. I felt me attending the party would have been a starting point for us, since you shook my hand after I offered it, but I suppose I was wrong.

If its so, that you and my husband are meant to be together, then God bless you both and I hope you never have to deal with what I did. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. If you two being together forever is the case, its more of a reason for us to get along, because I’m not going anywhere. Theres a child to be raised.

To answer your tweet, choose smart over spark. Sparks burn everyone, be smart! Its simple actually, just think of the shoe being on the other foot.

Stay blessed and lets work this thing out with respect and dignity.

Babies Love Beyonce's "Single Ladies" Anthem

Check out this baby groovin' to B's song....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lamar Odom Needs To Get Focused

Kate Beckinsale looks stunning at the premiere of 'Whiteout' in Los Angeles
Okay, can we just talk about why Lamar Odom is taking part in the bullsh*t Kardashian drama?!?!? Seriously, you just signed a $33 mil contract with the Lakers....Get FOCUSED! Eh, I guess it doesn’t really matter...I’m sure they’ll be history by the time the season starts. Anyway, have fun and stop dating women that don’t look like your mama...We're just saying the sistas aren’t feelin like sistas don't you?

Heidi Montag Will Co-host On The View

G.I. Joe - The Rise Of The Cobra - Hollywood, California
Heidi Montag just posted on her twitter that she will be co-hosting on The View starting October 1st!

RCJ can't wait to watch the way those old biddies rip her a new one! They haven't exactly been nice to the reality star in the past....especially Joy! Oooooweeeee this is gonna be goooood!

Check out this video of Spiedi's last appearance on the view....those bitches tore them up!

Hef's Ex-Gfriend Gets Her Own Reality Show

Pink's Hot Dogs Grand Opening
Surprise, surprise! Holly’s getting her own reality show! What took so long? RCJ thinks it has something to do with her being the most boring one of the 3 former Girl’s Next Store bunnies. Yup! We said it....B-O-R-I-N-G! But we're still happy for her and hope she rides this reality crap out for as long as possible!

Khloe Kardashian’s Wedding is a Hoax!

Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian go shopping for baby stuff at Kitson Kids in Beverly Hills, Ca
The youngest and not so dumb Kardashian sister, Khloe, led us all into believing she was foolish enough to marry Lamar after just one month of dating, but according to it’s really her older sissy, Kourtney that’s getting married.

It’s actually pretty funny that these girls would go to such great lengths to keep Kourt’s wedding a secret! Who do they think they are? celebrities?? Don’t put all your business on TV and then try to keep something a secret! You lose all rights to be secretive when you’re a reality star damn it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ATL Housewife Kim Zolciaks Manager Quits

VH1 Divas After Party
Kim Zolciak's former Publicist/Manager aired all her dirty laundry on Atlanta's B98.5FM’s Steve McCoy and Vikki Locke radio show yesterday. check out the video

Whoopi Goldberg flips over Suzanne Sommers Swayze Comments

Time's 100 Most Influential People In The World
Today on the view, the Whoopster went off on Sommers for her tasteless comments about her friend Patrick Swayze, claiming what killed the actor was the chemo not the cancer. “They took this beautiful man and they basically put poison in him,”
Somers reportedly told Toronto National Post columnist Shinan Govani.“Why couldn't they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins in his body?”

Whoopi was outraged by the Botox filled Somers comments and proceeded to ripped her a new one, “In case she doesn’t know, Patrick did everything and went everywhere to try and stay healthy as long as he could,” The view co-host said of her friend. She went on to say, “That he’s been gone a week and this statement came out is bad timing and bad taste and Suzanne, you know better,” Goldberg continued.

Suzanne apologized on her blog and made it very clear she was not informed or aware she was being interviewed. “I would never have been so insensitive as to offer a public statement so close to his untimely passing. I sincerely apologize if my comment has caused any additional pain to his family during this difficult time. I send my deepest condolences for their loss”

Khloe Kardashian Confirms Upcoming Nuptials

NSF & GQ Magazine's Stop Puppy Mills Humane Society Benefit
Reality star, Khloe Kardashian confirms she is in fact marrying Lamar Odom this Sunday! CRAZINESS! Check out what Khloe posted on her website!

"Hi dolls. I'm thrilled to finally be able to tell you that the news is true... Lamar and I are getting married on Sunday!!! I couldn't be happier and I'm so excited that I can finally share the news with all of you.

Your well wishes have meant the world to me and I am truly so blessed to have such amazing fans, family and friends during this incredible time in my life.

I love you all!!! xoxo"

Khloe Kardashian Set To Marry Lamar Odom

NSF & GQ Magazine's Stop Puppy Mills Humane Society Benefit
Khloe is allegedly getting married this Sunday to Lakers Lamar Odom. The youngest slutty Kardashian was spotted shopping for her wedding registry with her equally fame whorish Mother. Khloe will not confirm this crazy rumor, but she will say “I can’t confirm or deny”. If that’s not a pathetic answer from someone who clearly likes attention than we don’t know what is. Good luck lil’ Khloe

Kevin Federline Joins Celebrity Fit Club

We knew there was a reason for Kfed’s ever growing tummy! Britney’s ex-loser husband will be joining the rest of the other celebrity has beens on Celebrity Fit Club. We also hear the baby daddy of 4 is coming out with his own reality show. Well it’s about time he started making his own money, but we can bet money he’s praying for a Britney relapse.

Mackenzie Phillips Reveals Her Shocking Truth On Oprah

Former child star, Mackenzie Phillips appeared on Oprah today to promote her new book “High on Arrival”. The Actress/daughter of the famous John Phillips from the Mamas & the Papas is letting it all out in her tell all book about her life and her incestuous relationship with her FATHER! OMG! The two had a sexual relationship for 10 years!
On the show Mackenzie reads aloud a page from her book, "I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. I don't remember how it started or, thankfully, how it ended. … Was it the first time? Had this happened before? I didn't know and I still don't. All I can say is that it was the first time I was aware of it. For a moment I was in my body, in that horrible truth, and then I slid back into a blackout. Your father is supposed to protect you. Your father is supposed to protect you, not f*** you."

I’d like to believe she’s doing this to release herself from her inner demons, but we all know it’s to sell books..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Funniest Rachel Zoe Parody

Check out Amy Phillips doing the best impersonation of Rachel Zoe at the grocery store! Hilarious!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Drew Barrymore Was Robbed At The Emmys

Can someone please tell us why Drew Barrymore didn’t win last night????? Her role in Grey Garden was beyond perfection Damn it!

Victoria Rowell At The Emmys

Victoria Rowell is definitely NOT an Obama supporter! Why would anyone think that?

What in the world was baby girl thinking when she put that dress on??? We love our president too, but to wear a dress with the man's face all over it?? UH-UH Tacky! Just plain tacky!!

SATC Kim Catrall's Character Is Getting Married??

Why was Kim Catrall’s character, Samantha Jones in a wedding dress????? We’re not feeling the direction the movie is going in. Samantha is supposed to be a Slut NOT somebody’s wife!!! We're thinking maybe a SATC sequel was a bad idea.

Jennifer Love Hewitt On The Cover Of Shap Magazine

Do those two bodies look alike?

Jennifer Love graces the cover of Shape Magazine, although we’re not sure if it’s really her on the cover... Okay, we know it's her, but why would a magazine that promotes good health airbrush a size 2 woman??? WTF?

Jersey Housewife Danielle Staub Insulted By Jennifer Annistons Comments

Jennifer Aniston apparently thinks New Jersey stinks...literally! The starlet appeared on Chelsea Lately last week to promote her movie The Bounty and she made some not so nice comments about New Jersey. “What is that smell?” asked Anniston, who spent a few weeks in NJ this past summer filming her new movie. She went on to say "You know when you drive from Manhattan, and there's that one area?" Yes girl we know the smell!

Well, when NJ Housewife, Danielle Staub got word of the diss she fired back! "Why don't you see more of New Jersey before you say it smells?" Danielle, why would she want to do that???? The Mafia wife went on to say, "I would love to hang out with her. I hear she is really fabulous -- but she really shouldn't say that.” RCJ is siding with Anniston on this one. Jersey smells like a sack of rotten potatoes mixed with a little toe jam!

Khloe Kardashian TO Wed Lamar Odom??

Khloe Kardashian (bra-less with a see-through top) and her LA Lakers boyfriend Lamar Odom leaving a cafe in West Hollywood, CA
Kim’s lil sissy, Khloe is supposedly getting married to Lakers Lamar Odom in the next week or two. No one from the annoying Kardashian camp has confirmed this bit of babble, but we think it’s the most ridiculous news we’ve heard in the last 5 minutes. Those girls will do anything for a little shine. Hmmm, I wonder if Lamar’s $33 million contract with the Lakers has anything to do with it??

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chelsea Interviews Jen Aniston Tonight on E!

25th Annual Television Critics Association Awards - Arrivals
Congrats to Chelsea Handler for having Jennifer Aniston on her show “Chelsea Lately” tonight. It’s a huge deal for the C list talk show host. According to Chelsea the whole office stepped up their appearance for the A-list guest. Chelsea is hilarious! Check out what the comedian said on E Online's blog

"Jennifer Aniston is dropping by the show today for an interview, and the entire staff is out of control. Normally, the guys that work here dress like they just crawled out of their mother's basement, but suddenly they all seemed to have discovered belts and the halls are riddled with Drakkar Noir. I can't remember the last time I saw Steve Marmalstein even look at a razor, but today his cheeks are soft and smooth…and I'm not talking about the ones on his face. Chris Franjola must have hired a stylist for the day, because he looks significantly less gay and there isn't a vest in sight. Brad Wollack is either wearing a wig or he had his hair straightened. Guy Branum, Jen Kirkman, and Heather McDonald have done some remodeling and are making us refer to the office as "Central Perk."

Basically, this is the best this office has looked and smelled since Antonio Sabato Jr. stopped by and filled the air with the smell of his sweet Italian sausage. For once I am proud of the way my staff looks, and I think some of them could even get some action tonight. Not from Jennifer Aniston, because she isn't blind or deaf, but certainly by a slightly overweight girl with acne that's on the rebound and has consumed eight or more margaritas. Once I wrap up with Jen, I may even treat them all to happy hour. Unless Jen invites me out for a drink, in which case I'll act like I don't know who these people are."

Chelsea Lately airs on E! at 11 pm

Atlanta Housewives Kickin Project Runway's Butt In Ratings

2009 BET Awards - Arrivals
It seems like Project Runway should have stayed on Bravo. According to the ratings, the Housewives of Atlanta is the show to watch on Thursdays at 10 pm. Last week 3.2 million viewers tuned in to watch Housewives of Atlanta and only 3.1 million watched PRW. Some think it’s because of the lack of talent this season on PRW, others think it’s due to the original judges not being on every episode. Can you blame them? The show is being taped in LA! What New Yorker in their right mind would want to be there? Tell us what you think?

Jessica Simpson Isn't Giving Up

Ummm.....Jessica, sweetie, your dog was snatched up by a coyote, not another Maltapoo. It's time to move on....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Playboy Bunny, Kendra Wilkinson’s Husband Loses His Job

17th Annual ESPY Awards - Arrivals
Are out of work football players eligible for unemployment? Looks like KDUB’s hubby, Hank Baskett might need it. The 27 year old wide receiver was cut from the Philadelphia Eagles! Michael Vic will replace the reality star. MICHAEL VIC!!!!! In case you don’t remember who Michael Vic is, he is that idiot who ran a dog fighting operation out of his home and spent 19 months in federal prison for it.

Here’s the jive question of the day: Why are athletes with prison records able to get a job, but ordinary everyday, law abiding people can’t

Good luck Hanky!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Del Potro Denies Federer His Sixth US Open Title

Finally someone ends Tennis star, Roger Federer 40 match winning streak! That someone is 20 year old HOTTIE, Juan Martin! The 6 foot 6 stunner stunned Federer by by taking him on a five set journey to loserville. This is Del Potro's first major championship!

Patrick Swayze Dies at 57

Patrick Swayze, best known for his role in "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost" lost his battle to pancreatic cancer today.

"Patrick was a really good man, a funny man and one to whom I owe much that I can't ever repay," says Whoopi Goldberg, who won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role in the 1990 film.

RCJ will remember him best for his role in the 1987 film "Dirty Dancing". Patrick Swayze was a tremendous talent and his fans will miss him terribly.

Kanye's Apologizes Again For His Bad Behavior

Looks like Kanye is really feeling the heat of his obnoxious behavior last night! The rapper is apologizing again for steeling Taylor Swifts thunder. Check out what the borderline psycho posted on his blog....

"I feel like Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave... That was Taylor's moment and I had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry," he posted.

Now that's an apology, but you know it has nothing really to do with Taylor right?

Kanye West Apologizes To Taylor Swift

Kanye posted on his official website what appears to be a sincere apology to Taylor Swift.


Sorry, but we're not convinced

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Serena Williams Loses Her Cool At The US Open

Tennis star, Serena Williams got straight gully the other night while playing Kim Clijster in the semi finals.

Serena threatened the lines woman after she called “foot fault” on her second serve. “If I could, I would take this f-ing ball and shove it down your f-ing throat”, the Jehovah Witness told the lines woman.

We’re not mad at her for losing her cool, but too bad she couldn’t call Pookie and them to kick that lady’s A$$! Check out this very rough footage of Serena going off....

In the press conference following the match, Serena appeared to have a slight case of amnesia.

Beyonce Wins Video Of the Year But Give's Taylor Swift The Mic

Well, it looks like we can't say another bad word about Beyonce! Beyonce saved the day, Taylor got her moment and kanye is still a piece of SH*T!

Beyonce's VMA Performance: Put A Muzzle On It!

Okay, so how many times do we have to watch Beyonce do that same freakin dance?? We're Over it already. We'll give you an "A" for switching it up, but you get an "F" for not wearing a bodysuit with better crotch coverage! You got your ring, Jay put it on, now go make some damn babies!!!!!

Kanye Ruins Taylor Swift's Night

Kanye showed his GREASY BEHIND tonight on the Video Music Awards. While Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech, this fool jumps up on the stage and insults the 19 year old by saying Beyonce had the best video this year! Kanye, we think you’re a piece of dog sh*t and just real jealous Taylor Swift sold more albums this year than your pathetic ass….. BTW, what the hell is Amber Rose wearing??????

Friday, September 11, 2009

ATL Housewife Kandi Burruss And Her Fiance' Are Splitsville

Looks like Ms. Kandi finally woke up and broke up with her boo, AJ. Good for you girl!

"We're on a hiatus. He's a great guy and he's not the type to sit on his behind like a scrub, so it has nothing to do with that." Burrus recently told Essence. The singer also addressed the topic of all those damn kids of his, "Yes, he has a lot of children, and yes, I didn’t know about them all at first but I got over it because as long as you handle your responsibility and spend time with your children it’s not an issue for me."

Kandi, we've been a fan of yours since Xscape, so please stop lying and just tell them damn truth! Your Mama was right when she said "imagine dealin' with one baby Mama, but fo baby Mama's??

RCJ's New Favorite Atlanta Housewife

DEREK J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A star was born last night!!! We ain't got nothin' else to say

MTV Tila Tequila Doesn't Want to Share Her Man

Finally the truth comes out! Here’s why Tila caught a beat down……Apparently the bisexual walked into her boyfriend, Shawne Merriman bedroom and found him getting juicy with two women at once. What a SHOCKER!! The football player asked her to join in, (obviously that wasn’t the first time) but the pint size lily licker said NO and threatened to sleep with one of his boys! RCJ doesn’t condone men hitting women, but we do know you should never threaten a 6-4, 265lb linebacker! Get smart and get smart quick, Tila. We’re sure you’ll find yourself in the same position again.

NY Housewife Kelly Bensimon Debutes Her Jewerly Line

The whiny and childlike NY Housewife, Kelly bensimone debuted her new and overpriced jewelry line yesterday at the lounge in the Bryant Park Hotel. We’re really proud of the reality star. It’s good to see her doing something productive instead of beating the crap out of one of her lovers. Check out her "Navajo-inspired bling".